Guideline for Authors

Guidelines for Authors

The Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Sciences and Research (JMESR) is a monthly peer reviewed open access publication. JMESR publishes original research papers, case reports, research notes, short communications and review papers on various aspects of Engineering science and technology. Authors should submit their contributions electronically through the Journal website submission system to the Editorial Office.

Authors should submit only papers that have been carefully proof read and polished. Before submission please make sure that your paper is prepared using the JMESR paper template. This will ensure fast processing and publication. Acceptance or rejection notification will be sent to all authors.

The JMESR invites contribution in the following categories:

  1. Original research.
  2. Survey/Review articles, providing a comprehensive review on a scientific topic.
  3. Fast Communications: Short, self-contained articles on ongoing research.
  4. Technical Notes.

Paper Template:

Paper should clearly describe new and carefully confirmed results and experimental procedure which should be given in required details for others to verify the work. The Paper can be up to 15 pages excluding references and abstract. For proper referring and fast publication all manuscript should be grammatically correct.

You can download the JMESR Paper template in word document: CLICK HERE


Submission of the manuscript represent that the manuscript has not been published previously and is not considered for publication elsewhere. Authors would be required to sign a CTA form (Copy Right Transfer Agreement) once the manuscript is accepted which would be sent to the corresponding author’s email. The corresponding author can download the form and after getting authors and co-authors signature it can be send as an attachment file after scanning to

You can download the Copyright Form: CLICK HERE

Publication Charges:

There is no charge for the processing of paper but author(s) of each accepted paper is required to pay the publication charge which is very nominal fees includes online publication charges. We charge US $25 for Authors for maximum 5 authors + Guide.

Manuscript Withdrawal and Refund Policies:

Authors can withdraw their manuscript at any stage of submission, peer reviewing and copyediting procedures. However, withdrawals after the copyediting process are not subject to a refund of the Article Processing Fee.
